Roe the Vote! September 25th at Far Out Lounge

Arching Dog Productions is proud to host “Roe the Vote” on September 25, 2022 from 4pm-10pm at the Far Out Lounge. This concert will benefit the Lilith Fund and Planned Parenthood, and will serve to register voters through Jolt Action. With recent changes in Texas that negatively affect the reproductive rights and health of women, voting is more important than ever.

“Women's reproductive rights are over on the line negatively but not beyond repair and progress.  Your vote counts more than ever now.  Please register to vote and if you already have, please encourage those around you to register and make our voices heard.  Even in a gerrymandered state we can topple this aggression to women and to our democracy! VOTE!” – John Dismukes, Arching Dog Productions 

Attendees may RSVP here!

Run of Show:

4pm: Gates Open

4:30-5:00pm - Morgan Obenhaus

5:15-6:15pm - The Voice of Erica

6:30-7:00pm - Caelin

7:15-8:15pm - Vision Arcade

8:30-9:00pm - Deuce Bennett

9:00-10:00pm - McKenna Michels


Media Inquiries:

John Dismukes, Arching Dog Productions

Pat Buchta, Austin Texas Musicians


SURVEY: Palm District Planning Initiative


Músicos Unidos Para Votar