Músicos Unidos Para Votar

Austin Texas Musicians and Arching Dog Productions are partnering to host “Músicos Unidos Para Votar”, a series of FREE music events on September 10th at Lowbrow Palace in El Paso, September 24th at Frontera Beer Garden in Laredo, and Sept.25th at Cine El Rey in McAllen. WIth the lowest voter registration rates in Texas, the border region is primed to make a huge impact in November’s Gubernatorial race. These events are FREE to attend with either onsite proof of voter registration or onsite voter registration with our team of Volunteer Deputy Registrars. 

“This event is important to me because so often our border regions are used as photo ops and misrepresented in ways that diminish our voices and our experiences. Music and the Arts have always been a vehicle of change and through our unity and artistic expression we hope to encourage people to make their voices heard and change the tide for our local border communities. Registering to vote and making the knowledge accessible is a way for us to use our art as a means of revolution and equity to latino(x) and Hispanics in these regions.” - Veronique Medrano, Tejano artist

"The outcome of local and statewide elections affects many lives. If we don’t get out to vote, someone else is going to make the choices for us. Voting is one of the easiest ways to make sure your voice is heard and it all starts with filling out a registration form. We hope that the community comes out to have a good time and hear great music, but also to take the chance to register themselves to vote and check out the issues on their local ballots." - RayBurger, EDM Cumbia Artist

“While voter registration appears to be lowest in border regions, we feel that this is where the greatest opportunity lies to have underrepresented voices heard, and to vote on the issues that affect Texans most. We thanks our community partners for coming together for this very important cause, and we look forward to making a real impact in registering new voters.” - Patrick Buchta, CEO, Austin Texas Musicians.

Attendees may RSVP here:


El Paso: MúsicosUnidosParaVotarElPaso

Laredo: MusicosUnidosParaVotarLaredo

McAllen: MúsicosUnidosParaVotarRGV


El Paso: MusicosUnidosElPasoSPA

Laredo: MusicosUnidosLaredoSPA

Rio Grande Valley: MusicosUnidosRGVSPA

Media Inquiries: 

Patrick Buchta: Founding Vice President and Executive Director


Veronique Medrano: 


Press Releases:


El Paso: MusicosUnidosELPasoPR

Laredo: MusicosUnidosLaredoPR

Rio Grande Valley: MusicosUnidosRGVPR


El Paso: MusicosUnidosElPasoPRSPA

Laredo: MusicosUnidosPRLaredoSPA

Rio Grande Valley: MusicosUnidosPRRGVSPA

Radio PSAs:






Roe the Vote! September 25th at Far Out Lounge


Grant Writers Needed